This picture shows the pit fan fairly close.
What you can see in the photo is just one part of the whole machine. A few
metres under the surface there is a huge channel for the air. In this channel a
very large ventilator is mounted, tearing the air from underground and pushing
it out of the funnel you can see in the picture. This permanent subpressure
makes that fresh air is torn into another shaft and by that the roadways
underground are cooled down and the miners have fresh air to breathe. In this
way, using mutiple shafts, ca. 40.000 cubic metres of fresh air per minute (!)
get into the more than 100 kilometres of roadways underground.
On the right next to the fan you can see
different parts of two out of four wheels on top of shaft Heinrich's tower.
These wheels make it possible that every day several thousand miners can go
underground to a depth of -1120 metres.