Diamond mining in Yakutia ! |
If you want to have more information about the area of Yakutia, the climatic, geographic etc. conditions and a list of corresponding literature - please click here !!!! By the way: The text is really worth reading, I can just recommend you to visit the page and read it ! Please click on the photos' small versions in order to enlarge them and to get the corresponding background information. ATTENTION: The pictures' explanations can now be found UNDER the large versions. |
A map of Yakutia. | A view down the deep Ajchal mine. | The Ajchal mine in the winter. | And this time without snow. |
The crater of the Mirnij mine. | The opencast mining area Udatschnij. | Large lorries in the Udatschnij crater. | A total view of the Udatschnij mine. |